Tuesday, January 29, 2008

To Blog or not to blog

Well I tried to get some discussion going but it looks like no takers. Does this mean that I should take down the Blog site?


Unknown said...

Hi there, 3 friends and myself have started training with Regents twice weekly more than a month ago. We will be running the half marathon Two Oceans and are rather novice at this. Wanted to ask for some advice regarding attire - do you recommend any shorts or shirts that are particularly comfy to run in? Any advice would be appreciated.

- Kelly

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

Sorry this blog does not seem to be hot property so their have been few replies.

Clothing, best is what is comfortable. No chaffing and light.
Good luck with the half & enjoy it.

You could always run in something
that would add to the scenic nature of the route :-)